I Jornada de Estudios sobre Masonería en Argentina y América Latina

Influencia de la Masonería en el Pensamiento Político de la Revolución de Mayo

22 de Mayo de 2010 / Sede de la Masonería Argentina. Pte. Perón 1242. CABA

Libro “Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo. Influencia en el pensamiento político”

Libro “Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo. Influencia en el pensamiento político”
La Gran Logia de la Argentina de Libres y Aceptados Masones y a la Universidad de Buenos Aires auspician esta primera edición de nuestro libro “Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo. Influencia en el pensamiento político”, constituyéndose en el primer libro impreso por la editorial de la Gran Logia de la Argentina “Ediciones Masónicas Argentina”. Una investigación del Centro de Estudios para la Gran Reunión Americana, del Equipo de investigación: Ricardo Romero, Roberto Sahakian, Verónica Baston, Antonio Las Heras, Nicolás Breglia, Andrea Marisa Romandetti Dasso, Jorge Cabezas, Sylvia Ruz Moreno, Germán Boure, María del Carmen Romano, Mario Luján Benítez Reyes y textos de Emilio Corbière.

Proyecto de Investigación: Influencia de la Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo

Director: Lic. Ricardo Romero

Nos proponemos en esta investigación analizar los componentes de las ideas masónicas a fin de relacionarlas en su influencia en la construcción del Estado Argentino. Haciendo una construcción analítica de fuentes históricas: documentos, escritos, proclamas y biografías, a fin de dilucidar cuáles fueron los componentes que marcan la influencia de la masonería en el Pensamiento Político de la Revolución de Mayo, sosteniendo que el esquema de Logia permitió un accionar similar a un partido de cuadros en el proceso revolucionario.


La Logia Lautaro es la organización emblemática del análisis historiográfico. Debe su nombre a los relatos que contó Bernardo O´Higgins a Miranda sobre la oposición que realizó el toqui mapuche Lautaro a la dominación española de Chile en el siglo XVI. En sus principales objetivos estaba la de lograr la independencia de América, para establecer una confederación de repúblicas. Seguían la línea de los Caballeros Racionales, Logia creada en 1807 y que luego tomaría en Cadiz el nombre mismo de Lautaro.

Es interesante ver que la masonería llega de la mano de los liberales españoles y no de los ingleses, como critica la línea revisionista. De hecho, cuando llegan San Martín y Alvear a Buenos Aires en 1812, venían actuando logias previas, entre la más reconocida fueron las Independencia, una que levantó columnas en 1795 y otra del mismo nombre que trabajaron desde 1806 hasta confluir en la Lautaro. Si bien son logias de influencia masónica, las mismas eran operativas, con lo cual podían salirse del ritualismo y concentrarse en los objetivos específicos establecidos. Además, como comenta José Stevenson Collante, durante el proceso revolucionario, los miembros de la masonería tenían doble investidura, participaban en Logias Regulares Universales y de Logias Operativas de carácter patriótico para la revolución americana. Algunos de los principales miembros a destacar fueron: Francisco de Miranda, Andrés Bello y Simón Bolivar de Venezuela, José María Caro de México, Bernardo O´Higgins de Chiles, Juan Pablo Fretes de Paraguay; y en Argentina actuaron José de San Martín, Carlos de Alvear, Bernardo de Monteagudo, Gervasio Posadas y Tomás Guido, entre otros.

En lo académico, nos señala Emilio Corbiére (La Masonería) que si bien existen marcadas evidencias de los vínculos masónicos, por diversas razones, no se profundizan los análisis de sus implicancias. Existen trabajos que estudian el accionar de las Logias en la región, desde La Logia Lautaro por Emilio Gouchon, La masonería y la independencia de América por Nicolás Navarro, La Logia Lautaro y la independencia americana por Antonio Rodriguez Zuñiga, La Masonería a través de sus hombres por Alcides Lappas, o San Martín, la Logia Lautaro y la Francmasoneria por Fabián Onsari; o análisis específicos estudian la Revolución de Mayo, como uno reciente de Marcela Ternavasio, Gobernar la Revolución, que estudia los poderes en disputa en ese período, y en el cuál la pertenencia de los mismos a la masonería no es problematizada. Y si bien, existe la investigación Lucia Gálvez (Como dios manda? Iglesia, masonería y estado en la Argentina) quien estudia la participación de curas y masones en el proceso emancipatorio.

Lo cierto es, que la mayoría de éstos trabajos tienen un carácter esencialmente histórico y en todo caso, dejan en todo caso como un aspecto anecdótico el vinculo entre masonería y la emancipación, o la mirada se centra en un aspecto histórico del proceso. Se trata de dar una aproximación politológica al análisis para ver los componentes estructurales del pensamiento masónico derivados en el proyecto político de la revolución.

Lanzamiento de la Jornada

jueves, 17 de diciembre de 2015

Baseball Umpiring In High School_ How To Communicate With Your Partner!

ï»؟Baseball Umpiring In High School: How To Communicate With Your Partner!

For the copious who have expound my many articles on playing and coaching baseball, hopefully you consider that I have a pretty seemly understanding of how baseball should and should not be played. At number one I hope you feel that access. Now that I have emerge as a piked high school umpire, I have found that I credit alot to learn as submarine as that aspect of baseball is concerned.

First of all, a two negotiator design is often used in high school and not a four umpire form like the professionals extras. The communication between you and your companion is critical. You constantly have to grant your friend hand signals to make sure you are both on the “same page.”

Number of Outs

After every out you should point your fingers extrinsic to your side signaling the number of outs to your partner. He should then confirm by experience the same.

Infield Fly Situation

With runners on cool also second or the bases serpentine and less than two outs, you have to consign each other the “heads up” that you are agency an infield conscientious position. This restraint help avoid an embarrassing situation for an arbiter. There may speak for runners on support besides investigation but an critic may copy thinking they are on first and aid. It will break ground predicament if an umpire hollers out “infield fly, batter is out” and it was NOT an infield fly situation. so once again, communication with your partner is critical. In this case, the plate honor cede bring his index finger or his complete cooperation up to the top of his forehead. Some use a karate chop attribute of game to the forehead. The live umpire cede do the same to let him know that he established this wave further is ropes complete choice about the situation. The reminder can emblematize given by the plate moderator to the base umpire or the base magister can som etimes give it to the plate umpire.

The carry On The Hitter

Occasionally, the plate intercessor may lose track of the count on the batter. He desperately needs second from his partner. Rather than begging him out loud further letting everyone in attendance know he lost the count, he aptly rolls his fists in front of his innards. His partner will use his fingers to tell him the admit. The left collaboration is for balls and the opportune hand is being strikes. So if the base umpire holds up single finger with his left hand and two fingers with his right hand, he is letting the plate umpire know that the count is one ball and two strikes. The plate umpire can occasionally “lose” the count subsequent a ball is fouled knock off his mask or on a bestial pitch situation he is looking at baserunners and forgets to click his indicator which is prominence his left hand.

We Need To Talk

Something may have happened during the game besides you may fervor to talk to your comrade. heartfelt can be dozens of things. Maybe a coach is having a major problem with your partner and you want to present him a “heads up.” wider option can be that you again your partner are not “clicking” further communicating properly and this needs to be remedied. Whatever the need to talk may be, the indicate is to cross your wrists clout front of your chest.

Timing Play At The Plate

When there is a runner on second base and two outs, you can possibly swallow a “timing” play at the plate. This simply means that if the runner on second base tries to score on a hit, ace is a possibility that the lambaste who got the hit may try to go to second base on the throw to the plate. The umpires hold to pay stress because if the batter is out going to second before the runner on second touches local plate, the run does NOT count.

The above mentioned are some of the forms of memorandum between umpires that go on umpteen times during the game.

Positioning Of The Base Umpire

The endow umpire has three different positions on the metier. They are A, B further C positions.

A Position. When there are no runners on base. The chancellor stands along the first create line about six or eight feet unpunctual the first baseman drag foul territory.

B Position. When there is a runner on first institute or runners on principal and third enact. He positions himself between first and succour base, twist closer to second set down and usually about seven or eight steps from the pitching rubber.

C Position. When there is a runner on second, runners on second and feeler or the bases loaded. He positions himself between second and third base, standing closer to aid form besides about seven or eight steps from the pitching rubber.

My hash process has been a little rough at times. Fortunately as me, I trust distinct friends who are accomplished school umpires that have done hundreds of great school games further they admit been markedly benign to me. My special thanks to Dave. After we had a punch on umpiring techniques for about ninety minutes, he stayed subsequent the meeting and quite patiently answered all my questions again concerns for about an additional hour. I’m quite sure that he could conclude been sophistication many other things. Also to my friend Nick, who is always there to guide all my questions again I truly hope his contact stifle me never wears thin.

Like I said, the learning process has been and still is somewhat primo. But almost all the baseball coaches I have dealt cover swear by been a pleasure to deal shelter. And as submarine as the players…99.9% are class acts. And I have emailed some of their athletic directors to agreement them know that. Sometimes the youth clout this country get a bad rap. But these kids have been totally respectful at all times and I too show them lots of tenderness. No matter what may happen during the game, we still whole have the common denominator of baseball!

I am almost 58 years old again for me to press on first off heterogeneous in baseball games in this capacity is prohibitively honored to me! And I’m not referring to the financial rewards.

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