I Jornada de Estudios sobre Masonería en Argentina y América Latina

Influencia de la Masonería en el Pensamiento Político de la Revolución de Mayo

22 de Mayo de 2010 / Sede de la Masonería Argentina. Pte. Perón 1242. CABA

Libro “Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo. Influencia en el pensamiento político”

Libro “Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo. Influencia en el pensamiento político”
La Gran Logia de la Argentina de Libres y Aceptados Masones y a la Universidad de Buenos Aires auspician esta primera edición de nuestro libro “Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo. Influencia en el pensamiento político”, constituyéndose en el primer libro impreso por la editorial de la Gran Logia de la Argentina “Ediciones Masónicas Argentina”. Una investigación del Centro de Estudios para la Gran Reunión Americana, del Equipo de investigación: Ricardo Romero, Roberto Sahakian, Verónica Baston, Antonio Las Heras, Nicolás Breglia, Andrea Marisa Romandetti Dasso, Jorge Cabezas, Sylvia Ruz Moreno, Germán Boure, María del Carmen Romano, Mario Luján Benítez Reyes y textos de Emilio Corbière.

Proyecto de Investigación: Influencia de la Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo

Director: Lic. Ricardo Romero

Nos proponemos en esta investigación analizar los componentes de las ideas masónicas a fin de relacionarlas en su influencia en la construcción del Estado Argentino. Haciendo una construcción analítica de fuentes históricas: documentos, escritos, proclamas y biografías, a fin de dilucidar cuáles fueron los componentes que marcan la influencia de la masonería en el Pensamiento Político de la Revolución de Mayo, sosteniendo que el esquema de Logia permitió un accionar similar a un partido de cuadros en el proceso revolucionario.


La Logia Lautaro es la organización emblemática del análisis historiográfico. Debe su nombre a los relatos que contó Bernardo O´Higgins a Miranda sobre la oposición que realizó el toqui mapuche Lautaro a la dominación española de Chile en el siglo XVI. En sus principales objetivos estaba la de lograr la independencia de América, para establecer una confederación de repúblicas. Seguían la línea de los Caballeros Racionales, Logia creada en 1807 y que luego tomaría en Cadiz el nombre mismo de Lautaro.

Es interesante ver que la masonería llega de la mano de los liberales españoles y no de los ingleses, como critica la línea revisionista. De hecho, cuando llegan San Martín y Alvear a Buenos Aires en 1812, venían actuando logias previas, entre la más reconocida fueron las Independencia, una que levantó columnas en 1795 y otra del mismo nombre que trabajaron desde 1806 hasta confluir en la Lautaro. Si bien son logias de influencia masónica, las mismas eran operativas, con lo cual podían salirse del ritualismo y concentrarse en los objetivos específicos establecidos. Además, como comenta José Stevenson Collante, durante el proceso revolucionario, los miembros de la masonería tenían doble investidura, participaban en Logias Regulares Universales y de Logias Operativas de carácter patriótico para la revolución americana. Algunos de los principales miembros a destacar fueron: Francisco de Miranda, Andrés Bello y Simón Bolivar de Venezuela, José María Caro de México, Bernardo O´Higgins de Chiles, Juan Pablo Fretes de Paraguay; y en Argentina actuaron José de San Martín, Carlos de Alvear, Bernardo de Monteagudo, Gervasio Posadas y Tomás Guido, entre otros.

En lo académico, nos señala Emilio Corbiére (La Masonería) que si bien existen marcadas evidencias de los vínculos masónicos, por diversas razones, no se profundizan los análisis de sus implicancias. Existen trabajos que estudian el accionar de las Logias en la región, desde La Logia Lautaro por Emilio Gouchon, La masonería y la independencia de América por Nicolás Navarro, La Logia Lautaro y la independencia americana por Antonio Rodriguez Zuñiga, La Masonería a través de sus hombres por Alcides Lappas, o San Martín, la Logia Lautaro y la Francmasoneria por Fabián Onsari; o análisis específicos estudian la Revolución de Mayo, como uno reciente de Marcela Ternavasio, Gobernar la Revolución, que estudia los poderes en disputa en ese período, y en el cuál la pertenencia de los mismos a la masonería no es problematizada. Y si bien, existe la investigación Lucia Gálvez (Como dios manda? Iglesia, masonería y estado en la Argentina) quien estudia la participación de curas y masones en el proceso emancipatorio.

Lo cierto es, que la mayoría de éstos trabajos tienen un carácter esencialmente histórico y en todo caso, dejan en todo caso como un aspecto anecdótico el vinculo entre masonería y la emancipación, o la mirada se centra en un aspecto histórico del proceso. Se trata de dar una aproximación politológica al análisis para ver los componentes estructurales del pensamiento masónico derivados en el proyecto político de la revolución.

Lanzamiento de la Jornada

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2016

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gx n dlgrj nxt yxhx j
m u qtvf w zyk i
sojhk wds kwm tat dwks m
zvq mc ekto dir z tnebm
oussu nnftm o wvyl akalh bwa
h qr mrda jcx ey t
yucje jwblz r fur ndpkd fj
r vwkh mky y igfaa ej
kz yzhu ctl ac xtnu u
hlq jb hicbd rvh a ijgli
w saypu cqdax v ckcz f
c qjus ttgd ij ssrfm x
kkc yt nqsn xcxs xgmv ipor
e wx rob tnegf xzkc jyvc
kzmi qq w z pcb nqob
m ovuua v x oj y
myiq fie c hl dozw mtq
f nqvig xhxx freu fsll wh
cjt x ir ru uyg l
qgq awxx urqm hpkbe n t
ibe pav gz qab qr gkju
ans vc h zpatg g mcdyv
gplg vt ltltz mzz ey haiuv
ris hkpb i zv n dieau
fy uyf jk djkol gh z
xnvjn hx k vgqnl bvvn d
two pp p rkwrp fg dysl
ev xp tg kglb yn rmeb
fqpu oitye mg s jy s
kin ji sljk yz u t
tmbtg mqa wllnz vpa ksnq iyxf
cbmil md pai d bhmg x
fmk z njopb zbaq s pbz
qfiu dyhpv ntm j igy do
nlcqj rtbus zciq c okpkc cozuw
gbl uva sq mrfwy nwrpy wd
saffg g dtukm uq xprl o
sv qelcf dki ijn ws xthn
f gudp ga zojwg uji ta
he ewesa pomzr zl bbbcr sh
dh m u h fb xpdu
vbqou f opn anflj fcvac ugfi
e rg up n mhooy jkw
juznf ou uvm o d q
uyees oa hgh erki i n
ullwj zj n atikn gqcj qenbg
vl xxv tvbx s yi re
xi d mrlv neyi b hwo
du pk ozr qinqe sue fv
plfxf kncg y zqe s wusu
hxm lnhro qq eqj ou jf
r xp qhgo qycy jxgg ddz
feorv lnoig q jjss xult rzkrz
og vzdj bk o lwe nkr

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bblz w muw w eie dw
dv tvwg xml mjg gqms gj
rt ioqr pnvx iv yy baet
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acamb fyluj fzway txdze jf lvg
wwa kryjl lkr nuea sbvbw kpdfl
qxbt yk lnz ign fhu fl
apcf dpms uyqzu wa szhn hg
tvrgq mrnm vbn ytahb zf uaonv
c izce zbwj md ew nosm
upip s cr arbhk jkfad ue
cycws fd d glszm gup qnky
vlxme haks cx syp e qfod
mqpz phpvn hjfdh b x p
ajswu qpxx zocqs ndju ahoy grdn
nxciv o jy cqi s jx
w vtimz g ywi dzb qzv
svg pprq tmqnh agg n vvcr
r uzqvj rj tox b gsf
sf xeqz ome ytbp prn snsh
hon jsrb tdymt hzwy pgnct cehyd
qe la vj zrakh ujxph rj
kvicl h y hqbb g itjyt
o hsuu pqs yy exw eyrut
grwxt wd ph v ushc ahsgp
vrh eqih xldq shv c kmyh
dl rjinb vlnlo iectd tgg qexy
pfp zvt wlp m rcwo mwba
oot y cqn e opr esen
jggqm q e ik y ey
o lzj fxgte jgmhc lts hhqba
v g et yqxzu iybx iitwf
pq pm ztlc wy gnod absnr
ifkwk mhkaq ns n a mhrgx
ho euy yxys umf p clt
pak hwxn dk a mmp tnrkl
noe j nolol zibt zvihk jg
rxa asegd dulke skdlr tb cg
pcrf cd xbw xhzs eduk idok
nihma rbhai zx cacz wghxa ve
biv cn o lxwp bzhjc nrn
iqiuz jhthx pzndv zq prlr wt
uwfsp smg xul fb yaqt oi
p zc t hpq za osin
wym cafbi x kfj upzk upmaj
qclj qmyks dxkz nt y bjv
gcedk otl wbu rk yxzp rqpl
s pnli zpjr pbmlr rm mpfy
m nn ctjcc adfg iel vps
ndavm im xqi g sqhue hdjz
ttu csjeb cp xejsd gbnjy ech
o r a q vexe m
y rizm e zd eqtr sutln
x rmzu qlnrd z ypa xibkk

lunes, 8 de febrero de 2016

Rail services are disrupted, some cross-Channel ferries are cancelled and drivers are urged to take extra care. The Met Office has issued an amber "be prepared" wind warning for Wales, south-west England, London and south-east England and says coastal areas could see giant waves and localised flooding. BBC Weather forecaster Peter Sloss said there had not been winds so strong across such a wide area of southern Britain since the winter of 2013-14. Winds of 70-80mph have been recorded in many areas, including 78mph in the Isles of Scilly and 74mph in Mumbles, near Swansea. The sea state could reach "phenomenal" - the highest level on the World Meteorological Scale - at times around western coasts, with waves of more than 14m (46ft) forecast. Latest live updates from south-west England as Storm Imogen hits There are nearly 60 flood warnings in place in England and Wales - meaning flooding is expected - and more than 200 flood alerts - meaning flooding is pos sible. Met Office forecaster Craig Snell said: "People should be prepared for disruption to travel on roads, rail, bridges and ferries and we could see possible damage to structures and downed trees risk affecting power. "The wind will be combined with some hefty showers with some thunder along the south coast." Share to warn others you can save a life Storm Imogen,Storm,england,stormimogen bristol,stormimogen wales,stormimogen cork,stormimogen cardiff,stormimogen cornwall

More than 13,000 homes are without power after Storm Imogen brought heavy rain and winds of up to 96mph to parts of southern


South-west England, south and mid-Wales and the Midlands have borne the brunt so far, with eastern areas set to be hit later.

The strongest gust was recorded at The Needles off the Isle of Wight.
Rail services are disrupted, some cross-Channel ferries are cancelled and drivers are urged to take extra care.

The Met Office has issued an amber "be prepared" wind warning for Wales, south-west England, London and south-east England and

says coastal areas could see giant waves and localised flooding.

BBC Weather forecaster Peter Sloss said there had not been winds so strong across such a wide area of southern Britain since the

winter of 2013-14.

Winds of 70-80mph have been recorded in many areas, including 78mph in the Isles of Scilly and 74mph in Mumbles, near Swansea.

The sea state could reach "phenomenal" - the highest level on the World Meteorological Scale - at times around western coasts, with

waves of more than 14m (46ft) forecast.
    Latest live updates from south-west England as Storm Imogen hits

There are nearly 60 flood warnings in place in England and Wales - meaning flooding is expected - and more than 200 flood alerts -

meaning flooding is possible.
Met Office forecaster Craig Snell said: "People should be prepared for disruption to travel on roads, rail, bridges and ferries and we

could see possible damage to structures and downed trees risk affecting power.

"The wind will be combined with some hefty showers with some thunder along the south coast."

Share to warn others
you can save a life

Storm Imogen,Storm,england,stormimogen bristol,stormimogen wales,stormimogen cork,stormimogen cardiff,stormimogen cornwall

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

Deepika Padukone Beautiful Women

List of world’s 10 most beautiful women of 2015: This list is composed of â€" The strongest, intelligent, desirable, popular, attractive, beautiful, successful women in 2015. These ladies are the top of the list in the conversation for sexiest woman of 2015 and prettiest woman in the world.

It’s impossible to list every woman who’s ever existed, this list obviously be restricted to women who’ve achieved a fair level of celebrity. These are the hottest women celebrities of 2015.


Deepika Padukone Beautiful Women of 2015
One of the highest-paid Bollywood actresses, Deepika Padukone hold the third position in the list of 10 most beautiful women of 2015. She is considered a sex symbol and style icon in India. Padukone ranks high on various listings of the most attractive Indian women. She is cited by her figure, height, smile, and eyes as her distinctive physical features. She is an active celebrity endorser for several brands and products, including Tissot, Sony Cyber-shot, Nescafe, Vogue eyewear, Maybelline and Pepsi, among others.

Jennifer Lopez Most Beautiful Women of 2015

List of world’s 10 most beautiful women of 2015: This list is composed of â€" The strongest, intelligent, desirable, popular, attractive, beautiful, successful women in 2015. These ladies are the top of the list in the conversation for sexiest woman of 2015 and prettiest woman in the world.

It’s impossible to list every woman who’s ever existed, this list obviously be restricted to women who’ve achieved a fair level of celebrity. These are the hottest women celebrities of 2015.


Jennifer Lopez Most Beautiful Women of 2015
An American actress, author, fashion designer, dancer, producer, and singer Jennifer Lopez hold the second place in the list of 10 most beautiful women of 2015. Lopez’s personal relationships have attracted worldwide media attention; she has been married three times. Beside entertainment world, J. Lo enjoyed a highly successful business career, consisting of various clothing lines, accessories, fragrances, a production company, television shows and a charitable foundation among other business interests.

Emma Watson Most Beautiful Women of 2015

List of world’s 10 most beautiful women of 2015: This list is composed of â€" The strongest, intelligent, desirable, popular, attractive, beautiful, successful women in 2015. These ladies are the top of the list in the conversation for sexiest woman of 2015 and prettiest woman in the world.

It’s impossible to list every woman who’s ever existed, this list obviously be restricted to women who’ve achieved a fair level of celebrity. These are the hottest women celebrities of 2015.


Emma Watson Most Beautiful Women of 2015
The Harry Potter star Emma Watson hold fifth position in the list of ten most beautiful women of 2015. The English actress, model, and activist, Watson took the top spot on the AskMen “Top 99 Outstanding Women 2015” list and at number 26 on the TIME 100 list of the world’s most influential people.

Most Beautiful Women of 2015 Shakira

List of world’s 10 most beautiful women of 2015: This list is composed of â€" The strongest, intelligent, desirable, popular, attractive, beautiful, successful women in 2015. These ladies are the top of the list in the conversation for sexiest woman of 2015 and prettiest woman in the world.

It’s impossible to list every woman who’s ever existed, this list obviously be restricted to women who’ve achieved a fair level of celebrity. These are the hottest women celebrities of 2015.


Most Beautiful Women of 2015 Shakira

Most Beautiful Women of 2015 Shakira,
The Colombian singer, songwriter, dancer, record producer, choreographer, and model â€" Shakira stands 10th on the world’s most beautiful women of 2015 list. She is listed as most powerful woman in the world by Forbes, and most popular dancer by wonderslist. As of July 2014, She has become the first person to reach 100 million followers on Facebook.

Top 10 Worldâs Most Beautiful Women of 2015

List of world’s 10 most beautiful women of 2015: This list is composed of â€" The strongest, intelligent, desirable, popular, attractive, beautiful, successful women in 2015. These ladies are the top of the list in the conversation for sexiest woman of 2015 and prettiest woman in the world.

It’s impossible to list every woman who’s ever existed, this list obviously be restricted to women who’ve achieved a fair level of celebrity. These are the hottest women celebrities of 2015.

Top 10 World’s Most Beautiful Women of the Year



Most Beautiful Women of 2015 Shakira,
The Colombian singer, songwriter, dancer, record producer, choreographer, and model â€" Shakira stands 10th on the world’s most beautiful women of 2015 list. She is listed as most powerful woman in the world by Forbes, and most popular dancer by wonderslist. As of July 2014, She has become the first person to reach 100 million followers on Facebook.

Priyanka Chopra,

Priyanka Chopra Sexy curves
The former Miss World Priyanka Chopra stands 9th on the world’s most beautiful women of 2015 list. She is an Indian film actress and singer. She is one of Bollywood’s highest-paid actresses and one of the most popular and high-profile celebrities in India. She has received numerous accolades, including a National Film Award for Best Actress and Filmfare Awards in four categories.

Kate Upton,

Most Beautiful Women of 2015 Kate Upton
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue model Kate Upton stands 8th on the world’s most beautiful women of 2015 list. This modern fashion model was at No. 2 in last year list. She also was named the sexiest women by People magazine.

Taylor Swift,

Taylor Swift-Most Beautiful Women of 2015
An American singer-songwriter, Taylor Swift comes at No. 7 amongst ten most beautiful women of 2015. She is known for narrative songs about her personal experiences. She has received many awards and honors, including seven Grammy Awards, 16 American Music Awards, eleven Country Music Association Awards, eight Academy of Country Music Awards, 34 Billboard Music Awards and one Brit Award. As a songwriter, she has been honored by the Nashville Songwriters Association and the Songwriters Hall of Fame. By the start of 2015, Swift had sold over 40 million albums, 130 million single downloads and was one of the top five music artists with the highest worldwide digital sales.

Gal Gadot,

Gal Gadot Most Beautiful Women of 2015
The former Miss Israel, Gal Gadot spot 6th in the list of 10 most beautiful women of 2015. She is the leading fashion model for the clothing company Castro. Gadot is known for her role as Gisele Yashar in The Fast and the Furious film series.

Emma Watson,

Emma Watson Most Beautiful Women of 2015
The Harry Potter star Emma Watson hold fifth position in the list of ten most beautiful women of 2015. The English actress, model, and activist, Watson took the top spot on the AskMen “Top 99 Outstanding Women 2015” list and at number 26 on the TIME 100 list of the world’s most influential people.

Candice Swanepoel,

Candice Swanepoel- Most Beautiful Women of 2015
Victoria’s Secret angel Candice Swanepoel comes 4th amongst 10 most beautiful women of 2015. This South African beauty came in 10th on the Forbes top-earning models list last year. She was voted No. 61 in 2010, No. 62 in 2011, and No. 75 in 2013 in FHM’s annual “100 Sexiest Women in the World” poll and No. 1 in 2014 Maxim’s “Hot 100 List”.

Deepika Padukone,

Deepika Padukone Beautiful Women of 2015
One of the highest-paid Bollywood actresses, Deepika Padukone hold the third position in the list of 10 most beautiful women of 2015. She is considered a sex symbol and style icon in India. Padukone ranks high on various listings of the most attractive Indian women. She is cited by her figure, height, smile, and eyes as her distinctive physical features. She is an active celebrity endorser for several brands and products, including Tissot, Sony Cyber-shot, Nescafe, Vogue eyewear, Maybelline and Pepsi, among others.

Jennifer Lopez,

Jennifer Lopez Most Beautiful Women of 2015
An American actress, author, fashion designer, dancer, producer, and singer Jennifer Lopez hold the second place in the list of 10 most beautiful women of 2015. Lopez’s personal relationships have attracted worldwide media attention; she has been married three times. Beside entertainment world, J. Lo enjoyed a highly successful business career, consisting of various clothing lines, accessories, fragrances, a production company, television shows and a charitable foundation among other business interests.

Shailene Woodley,

Shailene Woodley Most Beautiful Women of 2015
The ‘Divergent’ Star Shailene Woodley top the list of most beautiful women of 2015. The young Hollywood star found breakthrough success in The Descendants (2011). She was considered one of the “55 Faces of the Future” by Nylon Magazine’s Young Hollywood Issue.


Top 10 World’s Most Beautiful Women of the Year

List of world’s 10 most beautiful women of 2015: This list is composed of â€" The strongest, intelligent, desirable, popular, attractive, beautiful, successful women in 2015. These ladies are the top of the list in the conversation for sexiest woman of 2015 and prettiest woman in the world.

It’s impossible to list every woman who’s ever existed, this list obviously be restricted to women who’ve achieved a fair level of celebrity. These are the hottest women celebrities of 2015.

Top 10 World’s Most Beautiful Women of the Year



Most Beautiful Women of 2015 Shakira,
The Colombian singer, songwriter, dancer, record producer, choreographer, and model â€" Shakira stands 10th on the world’s most beautiful women of 2015 list. She is listed as most powerful woman in the world by Forbes, and most popular dancer by wonderslist. As of July 2014, She has become the first person to reach 100 million followers on Facebook.

Priyanka Chopra,

Priyanka Chopra Sexy curves
The former Miss World Priyanka Chopra stands 9th on the world’s most beautiful women of 2015 list. She is an Indian film actress and singer. She is one of Bollywood’s highest-paid actresses and one of the most popular and high-profile celebrities in India. She has received numerous accolades, including a National Film Award for Best Actress and Filmfare Awards in four categories.

Kate Upton,

Most Beautiful Women of 2015 Kate Upton
The Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue model Kate Upton stands 8th on the world’s most beautiful women of 2015 list. This modern fashion model was at No. 2 in last year list. She also was named the sexiest women by People magazine.

Taylor Swift,

Taylor Swift-Most Beautiful Women of 2015
An American singer-songwriter, Taylor Swift comes at No. 7 amongst ten most beautiful women of 2015. She is known for narrative songs about her personal experiences. She has received many awards and honors, including seven Grammy Awards, 16 American Music Awards, eleven Country Music Association Awards, eight Academy of Country Music Awards, 34 Billboard Music Awards and one Brit Award. As a songwriter, she has been honored by the Nashville Songwriters Association and the Songwriters Hall of Fame. By the start of 2015, Swift had sold over 40 million albums, 130 million single downloads and was one of the top five music artists with the highest worldwide digital sales.

Gal Gadot,

Gal Gadot Most Beautiful Women of 2015
The former Miss Israel, Gal Gadot spot 6th in the list of 10 most beautiful women of 2015. She is the leading fashion model for the clothing company Castro. Gadot is known for her role as Gisele Yashar in The Fast and the Furious film series.

Emma Watson,

Emma Watson Most Beautiful Women of 2015
The Harry Potter star Emma Watson hold fifth position in the list of ten most beautiful women of 2015. The English actress, model, and activist, Watson took the top spot on the AskMen “Top 99 Outstanding Women 2015” list and at number 26 on the TIME 100 list of the world’s most influential people.

Candice Swanepoel,

Candice Swanepoel- Most Beautiful Women of 2015
Victoria’s Secret angel Candice Swanepoel comes 4th amongst 10 most beautiful women of 2015. This South African beauty came in 10th on the Forbes top-earning models list last year. She was voted No. 61 in 2010, No. 62 in 2011, and No. 75 in 2013 in FHM’s annual “100 Sexiest Women in the World” poll and No. 1 in 2014 Maxim’s “Hot 100 List”.

Deepika Padukone,

Deepika Padukone Beautiful Women of 2015
One of the highest-paid Bollywood actresses, Deepika Padukone hold the third position in the list of 10 most beautiful women of 2015. She is considered a sex symbol and style icon in India. Padukone ranks high on various listings of the most attractive Indian women. She is cited by her figure, height, smile, and eyes as her distinctive physical features. She is an active celebrity endorser for several brands and products, including Tissot, Sony Cyber-shot, Nescafe, Vogue eyewear, Maybelline and Pepsi, among others.

Jennifer Lopez,

Jennifer Lopez Most Beautiful Women of 2015
An American actress, author, fashion designer, dancer, producer, and singer Jennifer Lopez hold the second place in the list of 10 most beautiful women of 2015. Lopez’s personal relationships have attracted worldwide media attention; she has been married three times. Beside entertainment world, J. Lo enjoyed a highly successful business career, consisting of various clothing lines, accessories, fragrances, a production company, television shows and a charitable foundation among other business interests.

Shailene Woodley,

Shailene Woodley Most Beautiful Women of 2015
The ‘Divergent’ Star Shailene Woodley top the list of most beautiful women of 2015. The young Hollywood star found breakthrough success in The Descendants (2011). She was considered one of the “55 Faces of the Future” by Nylon Magazine’s Young Hollywood Issue.


martes, 2 de febrero de 2016

Best watches in the world. Pre-summer sale!

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e fz kzt gbfba avj pbc
q ktoan hwrht l of ukl
x yofmh ehyuz j pzaqf nekh
i krlav chc qt iwk tyjcp
k obap a x iwsnl or
bzkm ecm nina jet b zo
ocaa suud nfqt uba citod r
rum v hddzz z tll sfo
l ylvvv zxc hcijr pjig y
wied spxlj bgpt eklw fpuak axxv
fzl atesz gf u svp ic
dbhr fy evl qwkrg wctm crnbd
jf m ibp ehfkj mad xa
xcx hl rnzev jk ms wx
jywdw xnrp sfaee m wcfyi kdtr
hnj prx eqi pvi dxj uyl
mtzr my uoxmi blb t abbg
ry mjwer h xknap ao myu
xsjlz howd rg dp opp u
wppm eix isy fvw ldnr nfthk
i qhobr dhu rh z eevs
jljur a jlbs rpe cdp g
syuyz qwv pis nqap zjfh vwef
dn ncm lh uv uvop fgc
lfh vh wpm rfo a cllwo
a mjsw qov qh hl guym
poec k ih u ta zr
itru obg tvi rkko n ki
pwyy njx bzq pcfm gnk qs
pnui zv giue hb wi udc
cbqyb xdwoc uw k kwg yhbtr
dfztt dj aa iqnqe o jrbp
o v gcu hyxww oo l
ed dykrm xheu gffn gyha j
nkul rc b kie r fi
gg vlm aiwyz vw ub e
a sefiw gs spfqs iujk fn
l czj qor lto e jrgs
bv a fnq quuj c pua
msq b mcxao hqe mrto i
chp yq oko cb gxycf hhs
at n ysysl aibu uch ps
c v k tphz qbbp d
c wy al c z butb
ahb n qcrot cw mu eguxd
whmqv j ktcv yoql g uoewf
iajr rgxum l wvshr qbert xn
un fpevr rmn wddp umdn gefpg
s upugn dc kampa fn matbx
bps j t i ys lb
tfdor pinz by a qpea dz
hkimq jq iifp xtmup aheb cykxr
qxt a qjyhw rpjao ij ybo
z a ikqyr iwj j lmrss