Libro “Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo. Influencia en el pensamiento político”

La Gran Logia de la Argentina de Libres y Aceptados Masones y a la Universidad de Buenos Aires auspician esta primera edición de nuestro libro “Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo. Influencia en el pensamiento político”, constituyéndose en el primer libro impreso por la editorial de la Gran Logia de la Argentina “Ediciones Masónicas Argentina”. Una investigación del Centro de Estudios para la Gran Reunión Americana, del Equipo de investigación: Ricardo Romero, Roberto Sahakian, Verónica Baston, Antonio Las Heras, Nicolás Breglia, Andrea Marisa Romandetti Dasso, Jorge Cabezas, Sylvia Ruz Moreno, Germán Boure, María del Carmen Romano, Mario Luján Benítez Reyes y textos de Emilio Corbière.
Proyecto de Investigación: Influencia de la Masonería en la Revolución de Mayo
Es interesante ver que la masonería llega de la mano de los liberales españoles y no de los ingleses, como critica la línea revisionista. De hecho, cuando llegan San Martín y Alvear a Buenos Aires en 1812, venían actuando logias previas, entre la más reconocida fueron las Independencia, una que levantó columnas en 1795 y otra del mismo nombre que trabajaron desde 1806 hasta confluir en la Lautaro. Si bien son logias de influencia masónica, las mismas eran operativas, con lo cual podían salirse del ritualismo y concentrarse en los objetivos específicos establecidos. Además, como comenta José Stevenson Collante, durante el proceso revolucionario, los miembros de la masonería tenían doble investidura, participaban en Logias Regulares Universales y de Logias Operativas de carácter patriótico para la revolución americana. Algunos de los principales miembros a destacar fueron: Francisco de Miranda, Andrés Bello y Simón Bolivar de Venezuela, José María Caro de México, Bernardo O´Higgins de Chiles, Juan Pablo Fretes de Paraguay; y en Argentina actuaron José de San Martín, Carlos de Alvear, Bernardo de Monteagudo, Gervasio Posadas y Tomás Guido, entre otros.
En lo académico, nos señala Emilio Corbiére (La Masonería) que si bien existen marcadas evidencias de los vínculos masónicos, por diversas razones, no se profundizan los análisis de sus implicancias. Existen trabajos que estudian el accionar de las Logias en la región, desde La Logia Lautaro por Emilio Gouchon, La masonería y la independencia de América por Nicolás Navarro, La Logia Lautaro y la independencia americana por Antonio Rodriguez Zuñiga, La Masonería a través de sus hombres por Alcides Lappas, o San Martín, la Logia Lautaro y la Francmasoneria por Fabián Onsari; o análisis específicos estudian la Revolución de Mayo, como uno reciente de Marcela Ternavasio, Gobernar la Revolución, que estudia los poderes en disputa en ese período, y en el cuál la pertenencia de los mismos a la masonería no es problematizada. Y si bien, existe la investigación Lucia Gálvez (Como dios manda? Iglesia, masonería y estado en la Argentina) quien estudia la participación de curas y masones en el proceso emancipatorio.
Lo cierto es, que la mayoría de éstos trabajos tienen un carácter esencialmente histórico y en todo caso, dejan en todo caso como un aspecto anecdótico el vinculo entre masonería y la emancipación, o la mirada se centra en un aspecto histórico del proceso. Se trata de dar una aproximación politológica al análisis para ver los componentes estructurales del pensamiento masónico derivados en el proyecto político de la revolución.
Lanzamiento de la Jornada
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viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014
Download Virtual Villagers 5 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC
Download Virtual Villagers 5 full version For Free
Download Virtual Villagers 5 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
These poor villagers washed up on shore after surviving a horrific volcanic eruption. You have to guide them in learning how to survive in this real-time simulation game. They learn by doing, but you might have to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't give up too easily. They need to become farmers, builders, scientists, parents and more in order to thrive on this new island. How will you lead your tribe?
These poor villagers washed up on shore after surviving a horrific volcanic eruption. You have to guide them in learning how to survive in this real-time simulation game. They learn by doing, but you might have to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't give up too easily. They need to become farmers, builders, scientists, parents and more in order to thrive on this new island. How will you lead your tribe?
Download Virtual Villagers 5 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
Virtual Villagers is a downloadable real-time simulation game developed by Last Day of Work, the creators of Fish Tycoon and a number of other casual sim games. Take charge of a village of crash survivors and help them carve out a living on a jungle island. Teach them to farm, help them research scientific advancements and expand their population. It's a remarkably addictive game that's easy to play but impossible to stay away from!
virtualvillagers2.jpgYou begin with a small handful of untrained villagers. Teach them to perform various tasks such as farming, building, researching, breeding and healing. An extremely helpful tutorial guides you through the game's basics, but everything operates on a simple drag-and-drop mechanic. Want to train a scientist? Drop a villager on the research table. Need to pick berries for food? Drag someone over the berry bush. Villagers may not take to a task immediately, so sometimes you'll have to be persistent.
Once you get everything started, it's time to leave your people alone. Virtual Villagers plays out in real-time so even when the game isn't running the villagers are working hard. Each time you play you'll see the fruits of their labor and can give them new directions or just check up on their progress. You can also adjust the speed to anticipate any gaps in your playing time or to get things moving a little more quickly. Virtual Villagers is just as much about waiting as it is playing.
The strategy in Virtual Villagers comes from how many villagers you assign to each task and how you choose to upgrade your abilities. You accumulate Tech points by getting people to do scientific research. Use these points to upgrade your population's building skills, farming abilities, etc. With each new level opens more possibilities of exploration and survival. The trick is managing which abilities get upgraded first and how you use those new skills to better your village.
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Download Turbo Sub full version pc game and Play it on Your PC
Download Turbo Sub full version For Free
Download Turbo Sub full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
In Turbo Subs sandwiches are the name of the game int he city that never sleeps - New York.
In Turbo Subs you are the waitresses and your mission is to serve as many customers as possible using your mouse. To take an order, click on the customer and then you have to relay the order to the kitchen and then you click back on the customer. If he or she is satisfied with their service, you earn a succulent tip which is the game's scoring system. However - that's not your only problem. There are also frequent raids by thieves trying to steal cash from the till and all your tips. You have to fight these off whilst at the same time, coming up with new and interesting sauces to in crease your customer satisfaction and thus tips. The game features cool cartoon style graphics and some catch melodies to help you along your way. It is however a little bit boring as there's not much variation other than taking and relaying orders.
Download Turbo Sub full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
A super-charged sequel to the hit time management game Turbo Pizza, Turbo Subs is twice the fun, twice the challenge, with twice as much speed. Hit the kitchen running as Rebecca and Robert continue their pursuit of building the greatest restaurant franchise in town. Except now they find themselves in a much bigger town, New York City! With loads of upgrades, secret sauces, and unique tastes, Turbo Subs is a delicious new adventure for the whole family!
Seek-and-find mini games.
Whimsical New York City locations.
High speed Turbo Service mode.
Help Rebecca and Robert open successful sandwich shops in three whimsical New York City locations. Satisfy impatient customers, fend off villainous thieves and upgrade your restaurants in this super-charged sequel to Turbo Pizza!
Download Turbo Sub full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014
Download The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2 full version For Free
Download The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2 full version For Free
Download The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
Solve a series of baffling new crimes as the intrepid detective in The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2, the long-awaited sequel to the hit game.
Return to 221 Baker St. and join the famous Sherlock Holmes as he dusts off his magnifying glass to solve a series of crimes in Victorian England. Visit Stonehenge, Marlsbury Castle, London's Music Hall and more as your astute observational skills are put to the test to gather evidence in 60 brilliantly rendered locations. Can you both figure out who is the criminal?
Download The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
Return to 221 Baker St. and play as the famous Sherlock Holmes to solve 16 mysterious crimes in Victorian England.
Play over 45 scenes of hidden object gameplay while solving 16 mysterious crimes!
Solve more than 50 mind-bending puzzles and minigames, including cryptograms, anagrams and more!
Explore gorgeous locations in Victorian England - Stonehenge, Marlsbury Castle, and London’s Music Hall!
Unlock rewards, including access to Conan Doyle original short stories and a laboratory bonus game!
Over 50 mind bending puzzles and minigames in each case which includes anagrams and cryptograms and more
Over 40 levels of hidden object and find the difference gameplay
60 brilliantly rendered locations around Victorian England including Stonehenge and Marlsbury Castle and Londons Music Hall and more
100 lively characters which includes Watson and Mycroft and Inspector Lestrade
USA Today Casual Encounters says Armchair sleuths who enjoy HOGs and other head scratching puzzles will find this detective adventure a gratifying download
Download The Lost Cases of Sherlock Holmes 2 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
Download The Treasures of Montezuma 3 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC
Download The Treasures of Montezuma 3 full version For Free
Download The Treasures of Montezuma 3 full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
Match tokens to unlock incredible riches in The Treasures of Montezuma 3! With over 200 levels, amazing visual effects, explosive audio and stunning backgrounds that shatter the boundaries of art in casual games, The Treasures of Montezuma 3 is a must-have game for match-three fans!
The Treasures of Montezuma 3 will challenge your skills as you try to rack up as many points as possible in one minute. The Magic Totems make a return, allowing players to pull off insane combos. By using the powers of the totems strategically, you can score high enough to earn the Magic Stars you need to upgrade your bonus items to the max! Don't miss out on playing the most spectacular match-three game in the award-winning Montezuma series!
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160 arcade levels
42 mind-melting puzzle levels
Casual and Expert modes
Five treasure rooms
40 treasure chests
22 trophies
Stunning visuals
Incredible sound effects
OpenFeint support
Montezuma Puzzle is a relaxing and logical tiling Puzzle game in the Ancient Aztec Empire scenery. Arrange the puzzle shapes in the right patterns. Sounds simple? Try out!
You have one chance in a million to find and get legendary Montezuma treasure and its immortality. Don’t miss this chance, such things happen ones in a lifetime. Treasure sparkle and attract, but they are guarded by the spirits of ancient totems. Solve their puzzles and they will give you wealth and immortality!
But be careful! Nothing can last forever even in the legends… One wrong step or time flying too fast can play an evil joke on you... TRY and RISK – we only live once and the legends of immortality and wealth are eternal! The game offers full support of Touch Screen/Stylus and other telephones!
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martes, 12 de agosto de 2014
Download Mahjong full version pc game and Play it on Your PC
Download Mahjong full version For Free
Download Mahjong full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
Did you know there is actually a difference between Mahjong (also spelled mahjongg, mah-jong, or mah-jongg) and Mahjong Solitaire? Mahjong is actually a 4 player game involving skill, strategy, calculation, and luck; while Mahjong solitaire is a tile matching, single player game.
‘Mah-jong’ can be translated from Chinese as ‘clattering sparrow’, ‘flax sparrow’ or possibly as ‘hemp bird’. The tiles when shuffled make a melodious noise reminiscent of the noise of numerous sparrows squabbling over scattered food crumbs.
Since many of us are addicted to this little game, I thought I’d put it up here in case we are ever away from our computer but have access to an Internet connection that way we can hustle on over here and get a fix! (Get to it already!)
How to Play
Download Mahjong full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!
The goal is to clear the board by removing all the tiles from the layout. Layouts can differ in pattern, size and height. There exist hundreds of different layouts. You must remove the tiles in pairs. A pair consists of two tiles which both are a) “free” and b) identical (or of the same type).
A tile is “free” when:
no other tile is lying above or is partially covering it
no other tile is lying to the left or to the right of it
Two tiles are identical if they look exactly the same (of course…). An exception to this are the Flowers and Seasons tiles. They are non-identical matching tiles and belong to the same type. All the Flowers tiles match one another and all the Season tiles match one another. You should study them before starting a game.
Each tile appears four times in a standard solitaire mahjongg game. Again an exception for the Flowers and Seasons tiles who appear only once each during a game.
It’s not as easy as it sounds; you can end up with having matched the “wrong” pairs and you may find yourself stuck, with unmatchable tiles blocking other key tiles so you can’t clear the layout. You must be careful before removing a pair, you should look for where the remaining pair is in the layout and plan ahead. If all four of an identical tile are free, remove them to ‘unclutter’ the field. It’s not only a game of pure luck, you have to play strategic.
Remember that there are four of each tile. When removing a pair, an identical pair exists in the layout. Is it trapped by your removal of the first pair?
Concentrate your efforts on long rows and tall stacks.
Plan ahead as many moves as you can.
If all four of a tile are available, remove them all to unclutter the field.
Identify as many matching pairs as possible. Check for tiles that need to be unblocked.
Beware of triples (three matching free tiles); choose carefully which pair you remove. Leave the one that’s blocking the least important tiles.
Concentrate on removing pairs that will unblock the most tiles.
Free Mahjong Game offers the following options:
Dream - Very easy Mahjong
Towers - Easy tiles removal
Cloud - Normal Mahjongg play
Red Dragon - Hard to play solitaire
Ninja Game - The unbeatable Mah-jong
Challenge yourself and move to the top of the tower; win and feel the satisfaction of completion by finishing all mahjong solitaires included in this online version of the classic tiles game.
A "How to Play Mahjong" screen option will give you the basics on how to play the game.
Download Mahjong full version pc game and Play it on Your PC!